Sunday, September 30, 2007

Well, we're working on it.....

The other day we were going to go play outside for a while and had been in our p.j.'s still. I told Delaney to go get some shorts and shoes to wear. I wanted to see what she would come downstairs with....
Remember, we live in California and it's still 80 degress in September! She rode her bike, played in her sand box, she did take the ski hat off, but you never know when you just might need your life vest!!!
Two year olds can be great entertainment!!


RamblingMother said...

How cute.


Joy said...

It looks like you have taught your child well. Many child refuse to wear a life vest your child is just a "safety girl". I love it.

MandyJo013078 said...

Cyndi -
I enjoy very much reading about Delany's adventures! Thanks so much for sharing and the photos are darling! I can't wait to adopt a little muchkin of my own! MandyJo

Dan and Alicia Marlowe said...

That is so precious. I'm so glad you thought to snap a picture! She seems to definitely have a flair for fashion.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy,

Could you please contact me at:

Ray Saenz